Starting in December, Kansas Gas Service customers will see a separate line item labeled “Winter Event Securitized Cost” on their billing statements. KGS said the new line comes from the “extraordinary costs” incurred to provide natural gas service to homes and businesses during Winter Storm Uri in February 2021. “Kansas Gas Service experienced unusually high natural gas costs when there was a significant increase in natural gas market prices from high demand during the winter storm,” said KGS. “By purchasing natural gas to keep Kansas homes and businesses warm throughout the storm, the Company made safety its top priority. The price Kansas Gas Service pays for its gas supply is a passthrough to customers without markup.” The monthly securitization charge for residential customers is $5.64 and is estimated to decrease to $5.11 at the first adjustment occurring mid-year in 2023. The monthly securitization charge will be updated, either upwards or downwards, depending on collections, twice a year over a 10-year term.