Thanks to a $5,000 grant from the Community Foundation of Dickinson County, the Heritage Homes Association is preparing to celebrate and share Abilene’s historic properties in a new way.
The grant, in partnership with the Abilene Convention & Visitors Bureau, will help the organization develop a new logo, capture photos of nearly 200 homes and districts, and create a website with each property’s history.
“Visitors frequently comment about all of the beautiful homes in Abilene,” said Julie Roller Weeks, Abilene CVB director. “This project enables us to share their history beyond a brochure.”
Abilene researcher Nanc Scholl has spent thousands of hours reaching these historic properties. Currently, when a new home is marked, its property owner receives a file documenting its history. Each property also receives a bronze plaque courtesy of HHA. Once this project is completed, that information will also be available online to genealogists performing family history research about where their ancestors lived, architecture lovers, visitors, potential new residents, investors and others.
“I’m really excited about this project and hope it will encourage others to purchase and restore Abilene’s historic properties,” said Sabrina Holland, HHA vice president.
To learn more about the Heritage Homes Association and its upcoming Homes for the Holidays Tour, please visit www.Facebook.com/HeritageHomesAssociation.